Here is the stable 0.9.1 release and the mtn builds based on it
Release notes are published under the official www.i2p2.i2p page.
Remember: from the release 0.7 on you need Java 1.5 to run I2P, SUNs Java 1.6 IS REALLY preferred!
No more headless installer files - thanks to a update of the installer package the i2pinstall.exe can be run headless!
If you have installed I2P from the PPA, have a look on I2P debian installer page and look for updates in the PPA.
Use: java -jar i2pinstall-0.9.1.exe -console.
i2psource-0.9.1.tar.bz2 sourcecode
i2psource-0.9.1.tar.bz2.sig .sig file for the source
i2pinstall_0.9.1_windows.exe installer
i2pupdate-0.9.1.zip update package
guest account, I2P mtn version 0.9.1-1 was build.
zzz forum entry for 0.9.1-1.
22.000 km, I2P mtn version 0.9.1-11 was build. Including DHT for I2Psnark, lots of I2Psnark fixes and huge fixes and enhancements for UDP Transport.
zzz forum entry for 0.9.1-2.
zzz forum entry for 0.9.1-3.
zzz forum entry for 0.9.1-4.
zzz forum entry for 0.9.1-5.
zzz forum entry for 0.9.1-6 til -11.
morning thunderstorm, I2P mtn version 0.9.1-18 was build. Some more bugfixes and optimizations for UDP and I2Psnark. Also preliminary support for per-message options.