file signature description
grid-updates-1.2.1.tar.gz grid-updates-1.2.1.tar.gz.sig Source archive Source archive (Windows friendly)
grid-updates 1.2.1-1 all.deb grid-updates 1.2.1-1 all.deb.sig Debian package
grid-updates-1.2.1.win32.exe grid-updates-1.2.1.win32.exe.sig for Windows users (requires Python)
grid-updates-1.2.1.py2exe grid-updates-1.2.1.py2exe.exe.sig for Windows users (includes Python)

If you're using Windows but don't know which version to download, you can't go wrong with the py2exe version.

All files signed by KillYourTV (fingerprint: BD12 65FD 4954 C40A EBCB F5D7 5BF7 2F42 D095 2C5A). All releases are available in the Tahoe grid at URI:DIR2-RO:hgh5ylzzj6ey4a654ir2yxxblu:hzk3e5rbsefobeqhliytxpycop7ep6qlscmw4wzj5plicg3ilotq.